City of Toronto, Parks & Recreation Dept’s Facilities Ice Strategy
A message for Curlers who curl at existng Toronto curling clubs:
If you have not already done so, we urge you to complete the city's Parks & Recreation Ice Strategy survey before the deadline of January 5th, 2025 by clicking here.
Please check the boxes where curling is pertinent and enter your thoughts on the situation by adding a comment in the box at the end of each question.
Curling was not included in the previous plan and we alll need it included going forward. This survey is specifically related to the future of ice sports in the City of Toronto and is a prime opportunity to promote the need for a curling facility in Toronto's west end (Etobicoke, York South, Humber River Black Creek) where it is desperately needed and where there is nothing now. In 2021 the City completed a study demonstrating there is a strong demand for curling that is unmet. The City needs to hear from curlers. We need to look beyond today and consider the new curlers who have no access to curling today - school students, those of ethnic backgrounds unfamiliar with curling, Special Olympics participants, those with special needs and many more.
Take the online survey to share your experiences and insights on the needs and priorities for ice facilities, including arenas, curling rinks, outdoor artificial ice rinks and skating trails.
Virtual Public Meetings
Learn about the new Strategy being developed, ask questions and provide feedback on the City's indoor and outdoor ice facilities.
Two sessions have been scheduled to allow for a greater number of community members to participate.
July 13th, 2023
Olivia Chow is elected Mayor of Toronto
As you are likely aware, Toronto elected Olivia Chow as the Mayor of Toronto.
Ana Bailao finished a close second. Thank you to those of you who supported Ana.
WECC will now open dialogue with Mayor Chow by sending a letter to her providing background on our efforts working with the City of Toronto's Parks, Forestry & Recreation (PFR) department for the past few years to get more curling facilities built, especially in the City's west end.
We will ask to meet with her to ensure she fully understands the importance of our project and to answer any questions she has.
The City of Toronto faces many signifcant challenges. In the post-COVID environment, the health and well-being of Torontonians is one of the highest priority challenges and curling is an excellent way to help address that challenge.
Stay tuned for further developments.
June 21st, 2023
WECC Supporting Ana Bailao for Mayor
As you are likely aware, the West End Curling Committee (WECC) has been working with the City of Toronto's Parks, Forestry & Recreation (PFR) department for the past few years to try and get more curling facilities built, especially in the City's west end. Given the upcoming mayoral election in Toronto, WECC has used this opportunity to raise the issue with the top polling candidates and sent an email to those candidates to determine who would support the creation of new curling facilities in the city. At this time only one of the candidates has responded – Ana Bailao.
The response from her candidacy office stated:
Ana will support the creation of a new Play Policy that reflects the needs and diversity of interests, ages and backgrounds of all Torontonians.
There is a recognition for the need for more ice facilities throughout the city, especially with the west end of Toronto and that curling is a sport of interest to all ages.
While this is not an explicit commitment to support new curling facilities, given the financial hurdles the city is facing in the coming years an outright commitment would be very difficult for anyone to provide. However, given Ana’s position, we are confident it will lead to curling getting priority in the PFR Facilities Master Plan.
Given that no other candidate responded to WECC’s request, WECC is taking the position of endorsing Ana Bailao for mayor.
With the large number of candidates, and apparent voter apathy, support for Ana by the curling community could have real influence in the outcome of the election. At a minimum the endorsement of Ana will send a clear message to the other candidates that the curling community can not be ignored.
Please cast your vote in favour of new curling facilities in the city. Vote for Ana Bailao.
February 9th, 2023
WECC Still Working With City of Toronto
As a quick review, the City of Toronto Parks, Forestry, and Recreation Dept (PFR) initiated a
Curling Strategy in 2019. That Curling Strategy produced a report stating that there is a
demand for curling in the west end of Toronto and that demand was not being met.
As a result, PFR investigated possible options to meet the demand. The options ranged
from large proposals to small ones. In the end, the two options were left for detailed study:
Renovate and existing ice arena into a curling facility.
Share an existing ice arena between its current purpose and curling.
After gathering public input in the summer of 2021, PFR found that neither option was
feasible at that time.
In December 2021, PFR continued work by launching an Ice Strategy to address the needs
of ice sports across the city including curling.
For a variety of reasons, that Ice Strategy work has stalled and we find ourselves today
where we were in December 2021.
What’s Happening Now?
WECC is continuing to fight to get PFR to move faster, especially to ensure the need for
curling is reflected in the upcoming review of the City’s Facility Master Plan.
PFR still plans to launch the Ice Strategy in 2023 and WECC will be part of that.
The need for a new curling facility in the west end of Toronto is as strong as ever and WECC
is still working to make that happen.
April 17th, 2022
WECC Attends the Grand Slam of Curling
WECC set up a table at the Player’s Championship, April 12-17, 2022. It was a long six days but
worth the effort. Our main goal was to maintain awareness of the need for a new curling
facility in Toronto and to answer any questions event attendees might have. We did a very
good job ensuring that any visitors who were not previously aware of WECC and what is it
working accomplish, became aware. Many visitors to the WECC table signed up for more
It was a good chance to highlight the loss curling facilities in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) for
a variety of reasons – none of which were a lack of demand. Demand is strong according to the
City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Department’s own recent assessment of
curling. A new curling facility in the GTA is much needed especially as we emerge from COVID
lockdowns and the lack social interaction those brought.
It is important that our local elected officials, particularly our City Councillors, understand the
importance of curling to people across Toronto. See the “Contact” page of this website for
ways to reach your City Councilor and other elected officials. Together, we can make this
WECC Curling Rocks Relocated
When curling ended at St. Georges Golf & Country Club in Toronto, they generously agreed to
give the curling rocks to WECC for future use once a new facility is created. Goldline Curling
Supplies in Mississauga, Ontario also generously offered the use of a corner in their warehouse
for storing the rocks until they have a home of their own. On April 23, 2022, the rocks were
moved to their new temporary home. This highlights the positive relationship between
Goldline Curling Supplies relationship and WECC. It also makes sure WECC is “ready to go” once
the city approves a new facility.
December 15th, 2021
PFR's New Ice Strategy Initiative
On December 15, 2021, PFR (City of Toronto’s Parks, Forestry and Recreation Dept) presented their summation of their Curling Strategy and their plans going forward.
In short, PFR plans to close down the Curling Strategy. PFR plans to start up a new initiative, called an “Ice Strategy”. This new strategy would assess ice usage across the city by all groups that use ice, e.g. hockey, figure skating, pleasure skating and curling. The goal is to seek efficiencies and theoretically create opportunities for curling. This is because, as things stand, PFR cannot identify a viable option to deliver on PFR’s own clearly demonstrated demand for curling facilities in Toronto’s Etobicoke-York (EY) region.
While this is a disappointing conclusion to the Curling Strategy, the Curling Strategy did a very good job in identifying a significant demand for curling in EY and in confirming there were no curling facilities to fulfill that demand locally, or even city-wide. The opportunity for the city is clear.
Work continues as WECC is still fighting for curling in EY and will partner with all groups who share that vision. We will certainly continue to work with PFR.
November 15th, 2021
We Need Your Help - Now
The long hard effort to create a new curling facility in west end Toronto continues however we are at a critical stage of our project - now.
The City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Dept (PFR) is currently reviewing their findings regarding the two options they have under consideration.
Convert an existing under-utilized arena into a dedicated curling facility.
Share an existing arena between curling and the current users of the arena.
At present, their assessment is before the PFR senior management. Once that review is complete, the report will be tabled with the City of Toronto’s Economic and Community Development Committee (ECDC) - expected in the next month or two. After the report is reviewed and possibly modified by the ECDC, it will be presented to Toronto City Council for consideration. There is no indication of what PFR will put into their report.
The future of the project will soon be in the hands of the City’s decision makers – our Councillors. It is important to make sure that our Councillors right across the city know how much curlers throughout the GTA need a new facility. Councillors must hear this directly from the GTA curlers themselves who have seen too many closures with nothing to replace them.
We are now asking for your help, the curlers of the GTA, to reach out to
The Councillors on the Economic and Community Development Committee (click to see list)
Your local Councillor
Councillors in your immediate area
Other Councillors with whom you have dealings
While this issue is of prime importance to those of you that reside in the west end of Toronto, it is of great importance to all areas of the city. We need more curling facilities across the city to ensure the long-term health of the sport and this is a first step. Regardless of where you live, we need you to support this issue.
Follow this link to get more background information on why this is important, what is required and how you can make a difference. This link includes a template letter that you can use to send to your local councillor and to Mayor Tory.
We need your help now. Please act quickly.
Greg King, Chair, West End Curling Committee
Melissa Hogg Cunningham, President, Toronto Curling Association
September 5th, 2021
Outstanding Response to July's Curling Survey
Over 1300 responses -- 656 of which were curlers representing 49% of the total. 88% of curlers preferred the arena refit to the shared use option. (WECC sent our mailer to 700 curlers so to have 656 respond is outstanding)
Recall that the Public Online Survey was hosted by the City of Toronto's Park, Forestry and Recreation Dept (PFR) from July 9 to 25, 2021. The survey introduced the Curling Strategy and ongoing work with the public to gather feedback on the two options tabled by PFR (developed through stakeholder engagement):
Convert an under-utilized ice sport arena to dedicated use by curling
Share the use of an under-utilized ice sport arena between curling and the current groups.
These two options were the two recommended by PFR out of a list of five options that included different forms of new curling facilities.
Click here to download and read the full survey summary.
It is a large 99-page document with high level summaries and individual (anonymous) comments. If you have a free hour or more, grab yourself a coffee, iced tea or other beverage and read the responses tabled on pages 18-98. This is an interesting read. Bear in mind, the city sent this survey to all users & renters of the arenas in the west end, not just the seven flagged as under-utilized, so some of the comments will be from those who use and enjoy a very full and busy arena.
We will be in touch to advise you of the next steps! Enjoy what's left of summer.
Remember if you have any further comments or suggestions please contact the facilities planning group at the email below:
Matt Bentley
Project Manager
August 5th, 2021
August 2021 Update and Next Steps
The City of Toronto's Parks, Forestry, and Recreation (PFR) Dept continued to assess their two remaining options identified to help meet the demand for curling opportunities in West Toronto.
Conversion of an existing arena to dedicated curling use
Shared use of an existing arena with the current arena users
PFR has conducted consultations with existing users of the city-owned single-pad arenas which were flagged as under-utilized. The key finding of those consultations is that the current arena users have many concerns regarding both options. Essentially, new curlers and existing ice sport participants would be competing for the same limited resource. A few of the concerns raised were a loss of access to the ice for existing programs, diminished quality of ice where ice sharing is done, breaking of existing links to communities, and others.
What's next for PFR
PFR will complete their assessment of the consultation results.
PFR will create their report for presentation to the Economic and Community Development Committee (ECDC) at its October meeting.
A week before the report goes to the ECDC, it will be posted for the public viewing however changes will likely not be possible.
After the report goes to the ECDC, it will go to Toronto City Council.
What's next for the West End Curling Committee (WECC)
WECC will develop a strategy for the next two months leading up to the report going to the ECDC.
WECC will seek input from our Stakeholders and others to ensure the message that is presented to the ECDC and the full Toronto City Council will completely reflect the needs of curlers in West Toronto.
July 7th, 2021
City of Toronto Hosts Curling Meeting
As most of you who follow this website know, for the past two years a group called the West End Curling Committee (WECC) has been working hard on getting a new curling facility in west Toronto. For much of that time, WECC has been working with the City of Toronto's Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PFR) Dept.
The latest step in the process is that PFR is holding an on-line Public Consultation meeting scheduled for July 15, 2021. PFR is also doing an associated survey. Details are below and at the City website (see the link attached - once there, look under "Get Involved"). This meeting & survey is open to anyone who has an interest in the future or curling in Toronto and the Greater Toronto Area.
You can help get the much needed, new curling facility in west Toronto by participating in the meeting and survey as well as forwarding this to as many of your curling contacts as possible. Suggest they participate...and that they pass it along in turn to their curling network, etc.
Even if you do not reside in west Toronto, remember - what is good for west Toronto, is good for curling across the GTA and in our region. We have lost too many curling facilities. PFR needs to see the level of support for curling in west Toronto.
by calling 1-416-915-6530 and using Event number/Access Code 177 533 8229
A virtual public meeting will be held to introduce the Curling Strategy to the public, share work to date, introduce and gather feedback on draft principles for shared use or arena conversion, answer questions of clarification and share next steps.
PFR Online Survey
July 9 to 25, 2021
A public online survey will be posted here starting July 9. The survey will introduce the Curling Strategy and ongoing work to the public and gather feedback on the draft principles for arena conversion or shared use (developed through stakeholder engagement), and preferences between the two options.
City of Toronto Parks, Forestry, and Recreation Department's Curling Strategy, Interim Phase 2 Report
The City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PFR) published their Interim Phase 2 Report as part of their Curling Strategy (see link below). This report identifies options to meet the demand for curling identified in the Phase 1 Report published in the summer of 2020.
It reflects the work that PFR has done along with the Stakeholders Group to keep this important project moving forward despite the impact COVID-19 has on us all. Publishing this report announces to the curling community in Toronto that while the project has been delayed, it is still very much active and has PFR’s commitment to see the analysis through to completion.
We continue to move closer to the new facility we need in west Toronto however there are major challenges ahead including the final search for a preferred design option, selection of a specific site, funding options, when the final proposal will go to Toronto City Council for approval. PFR is planning the next Stakeholders Group meeting near the end of February to discuss these challenges.
If you have any questions or comments, let us know at
September 29th, 2020
City of Toronto Parks, Forestry, and Recreation (PFR) Department's Curling Strategy Metting
Another milestone in our project was reached on Tuesday, Sept. 29th with the City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation's (PFR) Phase 2 meeting with its Stakeholders Reference Group. This is a group of knowledgeable curling spokespersons who provide PFR with direction and expertise on the sport within Toronto.
The purpose of the meeting was to build upon the positive findings from Phase 1 which determined there were serious gaps in meeting the demand for curling in Toronto and in particular the west end of Toronto. PFR wanted to gather input on the first draft of their Phase 2 report - finding viable options for closing the gaps identified in Phase 1. Phase 2 will also determine costs and funding options.
The detailed content of the meeting must remain confidential at the request of PFR until Phase 2 is complete and the ultimate report is posted for public viewing.
Here are a few general highlights without getting into specifics -
It was a very professional and well run event.
PFR restated that there are gaps in meeting the demand for curling. They were still supportive and committed to the project.
Curling "Models" were reviewed. These are the various ways a new curling facility might be managed.
Facility options were presented alsong with assessment criteria. This all aligned very well to the range of options that we developed within WECC. At this stage the options are still quite general.
PFR also presented criteria which will help assess locations for any facility.
It must be stressed that this is very preliminary and it is not a given that any option will meet the criteria presented. There is much work left to do.
A follow-up meeting will be setup by PFR in early December to explore these options and locations in more detail in order to complete this phase of the project.
Once completed, the Phase 2 report will be brought before City Council. The original target for going to City Council was the 4th quarter of 2020. However, due to delays including COVID-19, the report will likely not go to City Council until the beginning of 2021.
The project is moving in a good direction.
August 29th, 2020
Parks, Forestry, and Recreation (PFR) has Published the Final Phase 1 Report on their Curling Assessment
This includes the high level go forward plans on Phase 2 and lastly the Reporting Out Phase to Toronto City Council.
Phase 1 (determine gaps, trends and opportunities): The official Phase 1 report was published on the City website on Friday Aug. 14, 2020 A link to the report was sent out to all of our WECC Stakeholders and is included below for general viewing. WECC is very encouraged by the findings of the report. WECC's assessment is that the report demonstrates a strong need for additional curling facilities, not only in the west end but also across the city. It is a strong foundation for Phase 2.
We must bear in mind that this is just the assessment of needs. While critically important, there is much more work required to create a new curling facility.
Phase 2 (how to address the gaps - structures, locations, costs and funding): This phase will determine the viability of creating the physical curling facility. Obviously it is critical. PFR has set Sept 29 has the date of the next PFR stakeholders meeting. The exact process PFR will follow has not yet been announced. WECC will continue to share our existing material on these topics from our work done over the past year.
Reporting Out/Phase 3 (create final recommendation with full detail and present to city council). The target is December and a vote in City Council on any recommendations. To be become reality, Councillors must vote “yes” to a new facility. Leading up to this final presentation of the report and the subsequent vote on it, it is critical that all those across the city who believe curling needs to grow with the creation of additional facilities must express their support for the project with their local City Councillor.
July 23rd, 2020
COVID-19 Update from the Toronto Curling Association
The direction from the federal and provincial government regarding COVID-19 guidelines is being updated daily, so TCA facilities will be adjusting their re-opening strategies accordingly. Please refer to your curling facility website or to the TCA website for updates.
WECC announces the formal replacement of "Curl Etobicoke" with "West End Curling Centre"
The West End Curling Committee has formally changed the name of their planned facility from "Curl Etobicoke" to "West End Curling Centre". This change
has been made to reduce confusion by using the same logo/branding for both the committee and the centre.
May 30th, 2020
City of Toronto Parks, Forestry & Recreation Completes Phase 1 of Their Curling Assessment
PFR (Parks, Forestry & Recreation) completes the first phase of their Curling Assessment - the interviews with the curling club managers and other club contacts to
understand the current situation, membership issues and trends.
PFR has received the green light to set up a Stakeholder Reference Group meeting. This is the second phase. In light of the COVID-19 restrictions, they're working
with colleagues at the City to convene this via a digital formate, likely WebEx. This approach is new for them and they still have some details to work out.
All things considered, given the impact of COVID-19, PFR is doing well to stay rough on schedule. They are not suggesting any change to the Q4 target for their report.
Have your say now by taking this link:
Story by Tamara Shepard, Etobicoke Guardian (
St. George's Golf and Country Club will end its curling operation at the end of this season. The West End Curling Committee is working with the city and advocating for a city-run curling facility in Etobicoke to accommodate the 377 displaced. Read the full article … here
Story by Bonnie Sacchetti, published in the Etobicoke Guardian (
The month of April for curling in Canada usually marks the close of curling for the season. However, this year, it marks the closing, for good, of yet another curling club
in the west end of Toronto. St George's Golf & Country Club. Read the full article … here
March 1st, 2020
City of Toronto Creates Curling Strategy Website
As part of the City of Toronto’s Parks, Forestry and Recreation Department’s assessment of curling in
Toronto, they have created a new curling specific website. This is for all community members to log
their comments, suggestions, needs, and preferences as it relates to adding greater curling capacity in
Toronto. This is especially important for Toronto’s west end which in the greatest need. The new
website is a direct line to the Parks, Forestry and Recreation Department and is dedicated to this
project. Have your say now by taking this link:
Note, this does not replace contact you should have with your local elected officials on this project.
Those local elected officials still represent your needs and you should contact them directly since at
some point in the future the city councillors will be voting on the matter of a new curling facility
assuming Parks, Forestry and Recreation recommend that. We need that vote to be “YES”. To find
tips and links to help you do this, follow this link to the WECC Contact page
February 26th, 2020
CurlOn and the Ontario Curling Council to Join WECC Meetings
It is important that CurlOn (Ontario Curling Association) and the Ontario Curling Council
understands and work collaboratively with WECC. That will be enabled with the decision to
have a CurlOn/OCC director, Jonathan Giancroce, participate in WECC meeting. CurlOn and
the OCC has been a strong supporter of WECC and this relationship will help create the new
curling facility we all need.
January 18th, 2020
Note from Bill Baker, Chairperson of the 125th TCA Goldline Men’s Curling Championships
The 125th TCA Goldline Men’s Curling Championships wound up last weekend. I think
everyone involved enjoyed the tournament and it ran with very few problems thanks to my
great committee and the help from the 14 different curling facilities we used through the
We had 216 teams entered this year, which is down by 2 teams from last year. Unfortunately
we had teams on a wait list that we could not accommodate because we had used up all of
the available ice in the city!
With the recent closure of the curling sections at Scarboro Golf & Country Club and Weston
Golf & Country Club, and the announcement that this is the final year for curling at St.
George’s Golf & Country Club, we have a serious problem here in the GTA. There are simply
not enough curling facilities in the city for the demand. This problem will continue to impact
the tournament I run, but more importantly will limit our ability to introduce this sport to the
growing number of interested participants in the city.
The interest in curling is growing around the world. Here in the GTA clubs that hold “Learn to
Curl” sessions report large numbers of attendees. These clubs are then challenged to find
these prospective curlers spots in their leagues to participate.
We need new curling faculties in the GTA.
The West End Curling Committee ( was formed to try and address this
issue as the west end of the GTA is in the greatest need. After this year there will be no
curling facilities in the west end of the city of Toronto beyond High Park.
We have been overwhelmed with support from our fellow curlers this past year...Thank you to everyone who signed our petition, came out to our fundraiser,
emailed your encouragement, visited our website and those who contacted their City Councilor/MP/MPP to make them aware of the lack of curling facilities
in the west end.
Happy New Year
December 20th, 2019
Encouraging First Assessment Meeting with City of Toronto
On December 20th, WECC met with Councillor Holyday, Parks and Rec staff, and City Planning staff. You may remember at the City of Toronto Executive Committee meeting
held in October that we won the support of Mayor Tory and the Executive Committee. The Mayor tabled a motion requesting the Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Department to
work with WECC in assessing what is needed to address the crisis in curling in West Toronto. We were truly encouraged to hear Councillor Holyday and the city staffers have an appreciation for the situation.
There is much work to do, but we are ready to do whatever is needed!
One thing we know for sure is that when this goes to Council it will be a city wide initiative and we need ALL councilors on board not just those in Etobicoke. So, for our New Year's
wish we ask each and every one of you to please call, email or write to your councilor. A copy of a sample letter is available here for your use.
December 9th, 2019
Curl Etobicoke Becomes Incorporated
WECC announces that the curling facility it is working to create not only has a name but it is also now
incorporated as a Not-for-Profit corporation…Curl Etobicoke Inc.
WECC will remain the parent organization driving the further planning and implementation of Curl
Etobicoke. As time goes on all the operational aspects of the new facility will migrate to Curl
When Curl Etobicoke is a complete and operating entity, WECC’s role will diminish and likely wind-up.
November 24th, 2019
Fund-Raiser Bonspiel - A Huge Success!
On Saturday November 23rd, St. George's Curling Club hosted the first WECC Fund-Raiser Bonspiel. What a great day. We had teams from all over the GTA, 12 teams in total, 48 people, and many others who attended for lunch. Thank you to all the people who came in support of the work WECC is doing to create a new curling facility in the West End. The money raised will help toward the cost of the project going forward.
It was a real bonus to have Councillor Stephen Holyday attend. He had an opportunity to meet a variety of curlers and heard their stories about why curling is important to them.
A particular thank you to Bonnie Sacchetti and her organizing group.
November 23rd, 2019
An Official Name - Curl Etobicoke
The name of our envisioned West End curling facility is now official, Curl Etobicoke. This is the first step towards creating the not-for-profit corporation behind the name.
November 17th, 2019
Fund-Raiser Bonspiel Fills Up
We're happy to report that the bonspiel is full! However, you can still join us for lunch $40, register at and then e-transfer the cost of lunch to OR drop in during the day, watch some curling and bid on some fabulous silent auction items. Bidding on silent auction items runs from 9am to 3:45pm.
Hope to see you all next Saturday!
Remember, your support is vital for curling in the west end!
November 4th, 2019
Goldline Curling Supplies Steps Forward
Goldline Curling Supplies has stepped forward as a major sponsor for our WECC Fund-Raiser Bonspiel on November 23rd at St. Georges Golf and Country Club, Toronto.
Lots of amazing curling stuff! Thank you Goldline!
October 23rd, 2019
WECC Gets Support from the City of Toronto's Executive Committee for Study into the Needs of Curling
At the City of Toronto Executive Committee meeting held on October 23rd, WECC won the support of Mayor Tory and the Executive Committee. Mayor Tory tabled his motion requesting the Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation Department to work with WECC in assessing what is needed to address the crisis in curling in West Toronto.
This is a very important step forward in our goal of providing the much needed new curling facility in West Toronto. It enables us to partner with the Parks, Forestry and Recreation Department to develop a plan for the future.
October 13th, 2019
Kraft Heinz Project Play Update
Many of you know WECC entered the Kraft Heinz Project Play Contest which was offering $250,000 to the winning project. Our project was called Etobicoke Curling Centre and was competing against many other projects from across Canada. Over the past couple of months supporters of our project have been submitting photos and stories making the case for our project to make it to the next round - the final four projects and the ultimate final vote to pick a single winner.
Some of you might already know our Etobicoke Curling Centre missed the cut for the final four projects.
Dissapointing news of course, however we knew our project was stretching the limits of the scope of this contest. The projects selected are strong contenders and have a shorter time horizon than ours. But still, you miss every shot you don't take and so we had to take a shot.
We have captured all the stories and photos from the website in case the organizers start to purge content. The stories are wonderful and we can re-use these stories in our future efforts. It is important to realize the 29 stories submitted by our supporters demonstrated such heartfelt emotions toward curling in general and to our project specifically that it has made the whole process worthwhile. We won in a different way. If you want to be inspiried, go to the Kraft Heinz website and re-read our stories under our project.
WECC thanks everyone who took the time and made the effort to submit a story. You spoke with eloquence and conviction. Well done. And now it is back to work and we have much work to do.
September 17th, 2019
WECC Representitive, Bonnie Sacchetti voted onto the TCA Board
At the Toronto Curling Association Board meeting held on Sept. 17th, 2019, WECC member Bonnie Sacchetti, was voted on to the TCA Board. This is in recognition of the important interdependence of the Toronto Curling Association and the West End Curling Committee as both work to improve the state of curling facilities in the GTA.
October 12th, 2019
Announcing the New WECC Website
The new website will reach a broader audience across the curling community who will benefit from this new curling facility. It will allow two-way communcation, between organizers and supporters.
October 12th, 2019
Plans for Fund-Raising Bonspiel Move Forward
Details are being developed for the fund-raising bonspiel to be held at St. George's Golf and Country Club on Saturday November 23rd. Current plans include the opportunity to play with curling celebrities. Funds raised will go toward costs of a new curling facility.