Breaking News
City of Toronto, Parks & Recreation Dept’s Facilities Ice Strategy
A message for Curlers who curl at existng Toronto curling clubs:
If you have not already done so, we urge you to complete the city's Parks & Recreation Ice Strategy survey before the deadline of January 5th, 2025 by clicking here.
Please check the boxes where curling is pertinent and enter your thoughts on the situation by adding a comment in the box at the end of each question.
Curling was not included in the previous plan and we alll need it included going forward. This survey is specifically related to the future of ice sports in the City of Toronto and is a prime opportunity to promote the need for a curling facility in Toronto's west end (Etobicoke, York South, Humber River Black Creek) where it is desperately needed and where there is nothing now. In 2021 the City completed a study demonstrating there is a strong demand for curling that is unmet. The City needs to hear from curlers. We need to look beyond today and consider the new curlers who have no access to curling today - school students, those of ethnic backgrounds unfamiliar with curling, Special Olympics participants, those with special needs and many more.
City of Toronto Ice Strategy Survey